

1. What is
  • is a publishing platform to protect global eCommerce through the publication of dispute reports and evidence to promote self-mediation and dispute resolution.
2. How do I publish a report?
  • Step one is to create a publishing login. Step two is to click on the "Report a Person" link to complete the report questionnaire. Step three is clicking "Publish." Step four is to check The Wall to review your report for accuracy and completeness. If you wish, you may edit your report through the "Published Reports" link.
3. What about the rating systems already on eCommerce websites?
  • While these ratings should always be considered, anecdotal research has demonstrated that the ratings systems on e-commerce websites frequently do not capture a complete profile of prospective parties and their behavior. The administrative overhead required to actively monitor and intervene in inevitable disputes for an online marketplace with mil lions of daily transactions and billions of users is, simply, impossible. In many cases, this leads to each member of the community having to take risks that are not always evenly shared.
4. Can a report be cancelled?
  • The party that files a report can also cancel the report. People should interact in good-faith and quickly resolve disputes between themselves whenever possible. Contact your transaction's counter-party and make an effort to self-mediate!
5. What are some eCommerce best practices?
  • 1) Interact in good-faith at all times, but prepare for the worst. 2) Take lots of pictures and look at lots of pictures. 3) Write thorough descriptions and read everything! 4) Keep good records of all correspondence. 5) Ask lots of questions, get lots of answers and formally document all of it! 6) Time is of the essence; promptly fulfill your obligations at all times. 7) Engage the transaction venue as their services are enabled. 8) When appropriate, promptly engage law enforcement in the relevant jurisdiction.