
A Public Notice

Report Details

Ripoff Carpenter Reported On: 29-Jun-2024
Reported Party
  • Offender : Fraud City : Oxford
  • Name : Roy B Hill State : Pennsylvania
  • Country : United States
  • Email : roy***@h****.com Zipcode : 19363
  • Contact No : N/A
Transaction Details
  • Transaction Venue : Local
  • Date of Transaction : 12-Jun-2017
  • Transaction Value : $20,000.00
  • Estimated Loss Range : $2,500 - $5,000+
Summary of Dispute

Roy Hill from Oxford, Pennsylvania is another one of these unlicensed, under-the-table carpenters who doesn’t pay taxes and rips people off. He lives an everyday lie, which covers up his bad habits. Roy tells people that he works seven days a week. Roy may leave his house seven days a week, but he doesn’t go to work. Most of the mornings, Roy loiters at diners and convenience store parking lots, because he is a chain smoker, coffee addict, and a gossip-monger. Roy Hill also has a bad gambling addiction. Mr. Hill gets his customers to pay him half the money up-front for any housing repairs and for other odd jobs, and then he runs off to Delaware Park casino with that money, where he throws it all away, stuffing it into slot machines.

Summary of Transaction Venue's Actions

If your house needs repairs, you’re better off finding someone else. Don’t go cheap. Hire someone who has a business license, or check around to see who has a good reputation. Most of all, get someone who says they will be there and will get the job done. Roy will only take your money away and will procrastinate in getting the job completed. With Roy, a two week job may take two months. He will avoid your phone calls, until he is ready to deal with you. Don’t waste your time! Don’t let this old fart rip you off and gamble your money away! You can find better.

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